NET Swag
Show your pride in being a part of this great volunteer program! FPN is selling NET Logo gear to raise money to help us in our mission to support the NET program and Neighborhood Emergency Teams.
Friends of Portland NET (FPN) is having these items produced. Fulfillment is by Patchmarks; Your credit card charge will say Patchmarks Partners.
Most items are available now, some are only available by special order. Those items are marked Pre-order. We can’t stock everything in every size, so these items will be orderable during a specific period of time, and produced when we have enough orders. Getting a bulk order from your team will speed up the process. More details about the order cutoff dates and shipping timeframe will be listed in the item description
Shipping will be calculated at checkout, and is based on weight. If you would like to coordinate local pickup, or have other questions, contact us at [email protected]

Join us: volunteer, donate and advocate.
Friends of Portland NET, PO Box 14591 Portland OR 97293