Support Friends of Portland NET
Since we became a not-for-profit in 2022, FPN has been growing and offering support to the NET program and NET teams in a variety of ways.
- We hold funds for teams.
- We provide the ability for teams to collect funds online.
- We sponsored NET Fair, a day-long training opportunity for NET and CERT volunteers.
- We have provided the registration payment system for NETCamp.
- We help other NET-related efforts, such as the Citywide Deployment Exercise (CDE), collect funds.
- We have been the fiscal sponsor for NET teams so they could receive grants.
- We’ve “passed the hat” to help and celebrate NET volunteers and supporters.
- We produced the NET 30th Anniversary and Recognition event.
And you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. We have plans for the future:
- We are creating a pilot project to develop Google Workspace to provide a broad range of online resources for NET teams and volunteers.
- We are working on expanding training opportunities for NETs.
- We are developing ways for NETs to connect with their new city council members from their new districts, so the new city council understands how important the NET program is.
- We are developing ways to support team leads and help to support teams that are rebuilding their capacity.
- We are expanding our board and volunteer capacity to do all this and more.
We appreciate any donation you are able to give.
Thank you for your support!

Join us: volunteer, donate and advocate.
Friends of Portland NET, PO Box 14591 Portland OR 97293